Northeastern Code of Student Conduct and Supplement

All students must adhere to the Northeastern Code of Student Conduct as well as the Supplement, which acts as an addendum to the overall Code. It establishes the guidelines and processes specific to The Program, as they may differ from or incorporate the Northeastern University Code of Student Conduct. 

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to set expectations of behavior that promote the safety and welfare of the Northeastern University community. The university seeks to provide a supportive environment that is conducive to learning, the pursuit of truth, the exchange of knowledge, the intellectual development of students, and the general good of society. In those instances where violations of the behavioral expectations occur, Northeastern University has developed policies and procedures to protect the rights of members of the university community, individually and collectively. 

We encourage you to click on the links below to read the Code of Student Conduct as well as the Supplement: 

Northeastern Code of Conduct Program Supplemental Guide to Participant Conduct